US Youth Soccer Coach Licensing

US Youth Soccer Coach Licensing

Many of our BRYC coaches are parents who may or may not have played soccer before. Truly, even if you have played soccer for a long time, it's often difficult to remember how you learned to play when you were 5 years old.

BRYC always wants to make the experience positive for players and coaches, so we ask our coaches to take US Soccer authorized coach licensing classes. US Youth Soccer has just revamped their licensing program.

You start at the Digital Coaching Center:


This is the pathway you will follow:

  • Grassroots (free 20 minute online course)
  • On-line course: 4v4, 7v7, 9v9 or 11v11
  • In person courses: 4v4, 7v7, 9v9 or 11v11
  • When you get to the full size field you will want to get your D License. In order to be eligible for that licensing class, you will need to have completed:
    • 2 on-line courses
    • 2 in-person courses

BRYC will reimburse you for the cost of the registration if you send the Training Director (that's me, Joan Smith).

  1. your receipt
  2. your certificate of completion
  3. NOTE:  The D License will ONLY be reimbursed for Head Coaches.

If you have any questions about the licensing process, don't hesitate to contact me!

We feel that BRYC stands for:

Best Recreational Youth Coaches

... getting your coaching licenses helps ensure that we have strong coaches, strong players and a strong program.

Thank you for all you do!


Mandatory Concussion Training

Recognize to Recover

Mandatory Concussion Training

All coaches and volunteers are required to complete Concussion Training.  

Coaches will not receive a roster until this is completed. 

The training is approximately 5 minutes to view the video, a part of the Recognize to Recover Player Safety campaign by U.S. Soccer.  Other important player safety information can be found at the site.

CLICK HERE to go to the site, and scroll down to view the video.

Mandatory SafeSport Training for BRYC Coaches

Mandatory SafeSport Training for BRYC Coaches

Travel & Recreation Team Officials need to be SafeSport trained before start of the season.  Please reach out to your League Director to get access to the required training!


Joan Smith... Training Director

Joan Smith... Training Director
Phone:   (703) 475-6003 (cell)

Hi BRYC Coaches! I'm Joan Smith, the Training Director for BRYC Recreational Soccer. The 2021-2022 season is my 10th year in this position.

What I'd like you to know is I was in your shoes (or maybe... cleats?). James and I started coaching with nothing but good intentions... no soccer background, very limited soccer knowledge, VERY scared with 16 sets of expectant eyes looking to us for guidance and knowledge. I often wondered if we were crazy. What did WE have to offer? What we had, and what we still have, is a firm belief that soccer is good for our kids. It teaches life skills on so many levels, how to be a team player, how to get along with lots of different personalities, how to be open-minded and always willing to learn and to try, how to be selfless and most important that "winning" can be defined in many ways, it’s not just the score at the end of the game.

Did I say that soccer was good for our kids? I mean our coaches too, because soccer makes you use all these skills as a coach. The coach always sets the tone for team. Parents and players will all be looking to you and follow your lead through the toughest situations.

James and I have been coaching for 14 years. We’ve learned a lot... sometimes the hard way. My ongoing mission in the Training Director position is to make it easier for all of you, our coaches. I want you to know that you have resources, and where to find them. I want you to have the opportunity to interact with our other BRYC coaches and share best practices and thoughts. If you are a long-time coach, I'd like to pair you up with a newer coach so they have a go-to person for answers and for reassurance. I also want you to have access to professional training yourselves, so that you can grow as coaches... and that, in turn, will make BRYC grow as a club.

As James and I have progressed as coaches, we’ve tried many different things with the team through the seasons. Some worked, some didn’t. But we felt it was always important to try new things, because you never know what will be the thing that makes it "click" for the team. I tell you this so you won’t be surprised when you see new things. I'm always switching up our programs, trying new things for the kids and for the coaches just to see what "clicks".

We hope that you take advantage of the programs offered, and that you find them helpful. I LOVE BRYC! It's a great organization, and our volunteers are FABULOUS! I hope that you come to love all of it... the kids, the coaching, the club... as much as I do!

Please don’t hesitate to contact me and let me know what thoughts you have to share. I look forward to seeing you on the pitch!

Sincerely, Joan Smith

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