U16-U19 (High School) Girls

U16-U19 (High School) Girls

League Director: Mac Squires

Email: mh2squir3@verizon.net



Braddock Road Youth Club U16/19 Girls teams participate in the NoVAC (Northern VA Athletic Conference), allowing our girls to play in competition against a variety of teams of similar composition from around the area.  During the last season there are five teams from BRYC.  Additional teams from Vienna Youth Soccer (VYS) and Alexandria Soccer round out the membership in the league.  If there is an uneven number of teams in the league, BRYC's teams may have one bye week sometime during the season.  Sportsmanship, fair play, and a friendly atmosphere among all participants, including coaches, players, officials, and spectators are requirements for participation in the NoVAC.

