Referee Pay

Referee Pay


Referee compensation is based on the age group worked, and the number of games worked in a season.  Basic game pay amounts are adjusted by bonuses and fines. 

The basic pay amounts for Recreational Soccer games are listed in the chart below.

Center Referees

Assistant Referees





















BRYC and FPYC have a Bonus Program to reward those officials who regularly work our recreational soccer games. The program includes multiple incentives:

1.  Game Bonus #1:  Referees receive a $30.00 bonus for working at least eleven recreational games in a season.

2.  Game Bonus #2:   Referees receive a $35.00 bonus for working at least nineteen recreational games in a season, in addition to Game Bonus #1.  Total: $65.00.

3.  Game Bonus #3:  Referees receive a $135.00 bonus for working at least twenty-four recreational games per season, in addition to Game Bonus #1 and Game Bonus #2.  Total: $200.00. 

Game counts for BRYC and FPYC games are combined to calculate the bonus amounts.

The Referee Director may occasionally award other bonuses as appropriate.


Officials are not assessed an administrative fee or fees for using the referee scheduling system.


A referee who turns back an accepted assignment after 8:00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding the game will incur a one-game fine.   The fine may be waived if the referee identifies a willing replacement suitable to the Referee Director.

A NO SHOW will result in a fine equal to two game fees for each game missed.

Arriving at a field less than 20 minutes prior to kickoff without prior permission from the Referee Director may result in a one-game fine (i.e., you work the game for free).  Arriving at a field after kickoff WILL result in a one-game fine.

Officiating a game in a league in which the referee, a son, daughter, brother, or sister is participating, without prior approval of the Referee Director, will result in a two-game fine and possible suspension.  There are no season-long waivers to this policy; the referee must make the assignor know of the conflict each time a game assignment is accepted.   This will not apply in cases of emergency when the scheduled official does not show and both coaches are aware of the substitute official’s relationship to a player, coach, or team.

Uniform violations or inappropriate conduct may result in fines or other disciplinary action at the discretion of the Referee Director.

COMMUNICATION is the key to avoiding fines.  Text or call the Referee Director as soon as you encounter an issue so that we have time to address it.



Officials will be paid if they show up for a game that has not been canceled and due to weather conditions the game is not played or play is stopped.  Officials will not be paid for subsequent canceled games they were scheduled to work on that field.

If a game does not begin due to failure of one or both teams to field the minimum required number of players, the referees will still be paid.

In other extenuating circumstances where a scheduled game is not played, the Referee Director will determine whether payment of referees is warranted.

Every attempt will be made to pay referees within one month of the end of the season, usually by July 15 and December 15.  BRYC uses to electronically transfer money directly to your bank account.  FPYC mails checks.

