BRYC U5 Coed Soccer is a development-oriented program where the players and the parents are engaged in early soccer skill development. Your child will have fun while developing balance, coordination, and important social skills. This program is an introduction to playing soccer where both boys and girls are on the same team. Teams are formed based on location in Fairfax County.
Fun soccer-related games and small scrimmages take place during the one 45 min to 1 hr practice in the early evening during the week.
Games are held on Saturdays that last 1-hour (4-quarters with 8-minute quarters). There will be two consecutive 3 vs 3 games on two fields. Each team provides three players to each field and substitutions happen often and regularly.
Weekends: In the event that games are canceled due to weather conditions, coaches will contact their players as soon as the information is available. If players do not hear from their coaches or do not hear about weather conditions on the homepage, they should assume that games WILL be played.
Weekdays (practices): In the event of inclement weather during the week, check the field status on the homepage.