BRYC Is STILL Looking for a New Webmaster

Ralph Schuetz Calls It Quits after 15 Years

BRYC Is STILL Looking for a New Webmaster

After over 15 years of service to BRYC, Ralph Schuetz is hanging up his cleats…or whatever it is that Webmasters hang up…and calling it quits. His last story and photos for the web site are the recap of this year’s highly successful FPYC All Star Tournament. 

Ralph’s staying around long enough to train his replacement over the summer months and consult as needed during the fall season, but he and his wife, both long-since retired, do a lot of traveling and it’s been harder and harder to always keep the web site up to date. The job doesn’t require more than five to ten hours a week at most, but it is a constant and ongoing need. The position needs to be filled immediately.

Interested volunteers should contact the Commissioner, James Sullivan, at, or contact Ralph at  

After over 15 years of service to BRYC, Ralph Schuetz is hanging up his cleats…or whatever it is that Webmasters hang up…and calling it quits. His last story and photos for the web site are the recap of this year’s highly successful FPYC All Star Tournament. 

Ralph started as a League Director for his U12 (now age 27) grandson before assuming the role of All Star Coordinator for eight years. Shortly after taking on that responsibility Ralph also became the first (and so far only) webmaster for the BRYC Recreational Soccer web site. More recently he has also been webmaster for the BRYC parent club site ( for the past five years, not to speak of the club’s liaison with, and chief supporter of, the Washington Spirit womens’ professional soccer club.

Ralph notes that when he started his volunteer activities, League Directors were responsible for recruiting coaches, for organizing teams, for lining fields (he recalls using lime instead of paint on the almost grassless Lake Braddock Lower field), and a host of other duties, but they were almost never coaches and they didn’t have to know much about soccer. After several years in that role, working under an even longer-time BRYC veteran Mac Squires, Ralph migrated to administrative roles like the All Star Tournament Coordinator, and Webmaster, where he’s combined his growing love of the game, his computer skills, and his talents in both photography and writing.

Ralph’s staying around long enough to train his replacement over the summer months and consult as needed during the fall season, but he and his wife, both long-since retired, do a lot of traveling and it’s been harder and harder to always keep the web site up to date. The job doesn’t require more than five to ten hours a week at most, but it is a constant and ongoing need. The position needs to be filled immediately.

Interested volunteers should contact the Commissioner, James Sullivan, at, or contact Ralph at  
