Volunteers DESPERATELY Needed on Photo Day, Saturday May 9

Just 90 Minutes Would Be So Much Appreciated

Volunteers DESPERATELY Needed on Photo Day, Saturday May 9

It's the Friday evening before Photo Day and we desperately need help tomorrow.  This season Photo Day has been compressed to just a single day, Saturday, May 9, with four teams simultaneously arriving at Canterbury Woods Elementary School for their 15 minute sessions.  If Photo Days in the past have been a bit hectic, this one might be more so...and so we're asking for your help staffing the Spirit Wear tables. 

We've found a volunteer for the early morning setup but we need help from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM.  Just 90 minutes of your time would go a long way. 


With the first four teams scheduled for photos at 7:45 AM, we've found a setup helper but after that we're desperately in need of volunteers:

7:00 - 9:00 AM (includes setup) COVERED
9:00 - 10:30 AM HELP!
10:30 AM - 12:00 NOON HELP!
12:00NON - 1:30 PM 
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM HELP!

Each shift will be manned by a member of the BRYC Rec Soccer EXCOM who has been doing it for many years, but it takes at least two and better yet, three people to handle the steady stream of traffic.  Parents and older teenagers (15 and above) are most welcome. Please consider the opportunity to give a little bit back to the club.  If you can help, please email Mac Squires with the time of your availability...or, at this point, just show up at Canterbury Woods ES and lend a hand!


