Boys' Coaches Take Up the Challenge

Walk Away With a Win in the First Annual Spring Coaches' Challenge

Boys' Coaches Take Up the Challenge

By: Joan Smith Sullivan

On Sunday, June 10, the BRYC Coach’s met at Lake Braddock Lower to see who wanted it more... the Girl’s Coaches or the Boy’s Coaches. In the First Annual Spring Coach’s Challenge, the boy’s coaches wanted it more. They walked off the field the winners by a score of 5-2.

The girl’s coaches were led by Deanna Saracino, VP of Golden Boot. They came out and took an early 2-0 lead (Julia Smith and Deanna Saracino scored). But the boy’s coaches, led by Tamir Linhart, President of Golden Boot, would have none of that. They came roaring back with 5 straight unanswered goals, including one by Tamir.  Whether you were on the winnning or losing side mattered little.  With family on the sidelines cheering them on, the coaches got the chance to play the game we all know, love and teach. Some coaches brought a lot of skills to the pitch... ALL brought a lot of heart... and they all came with a spirit of fun and camaraderie.  After the game, everyone shared pizza and cake... and bonded over a game well played.

Congratulations and thanks to all the BRYC coaches on another great season and for all your hard work. We’ll see you all back in the fall, when we’ll come back and try it again... (only THIS time the girl’s coaches will show no mercy to the boy’s coaches... and will SURELY walk off the field the winners.) (SURELY.)

Have a GREAT summer!!!
