BRYC Referee Earns Honors

Harvey Finberg Named Referee Assessor of the Year for 2010

BRYC Referee Earns Honors

Virginia boasts almost 7,000 certified soccer referees, including a few dozen instructors who train them, assignors who schedule their games, and assessors who provide critical evaluations of their performance.  One of the few who serves in all four roles is Harvey Finberg.  Harvey started as a BRYC soccer coach many years ago, teaches our new referees and recertifying referees, and can be found most weekends on a BRYC field officiating or assessing referees at our recreational soccer games.

In January the Metropolitan DC/Virginia State Referee Program selected Harvey as the Assessor of the Year for 2010.    Presenting Harvey (on the left) with the award is State Director of Assessments Don Torrenti (on the right), who cited Harvey’s enthusiasm and eagerness to help out whenever called upon.
BRYC extends its congratulations to Harvey, and is grateful for all he does for us and youth soccer in the area to help improve the quality of referees.
